Samstag, 26. November 2011

I am an exchange student. How do you know what is a dream if you never accomplished one? How do you know what is an adventure if you never took part in one? How do you know what is anguish if you never said goodbye to your family and friends with your eyes full of tears? How do you know what is being desperate, if you never arrived in a place alone and could not understand a word of what everyone...else was saying? How do you know what is diversity if you never lived under the same roof with people from all over the world? How do you know what is tolerance, if you never had to get used to something different even if you didn’t like it. How do you know what is autonomy, if you never had the chance to decide something by yourself? How do you know what it means to grow up, if you never stopped being a child to start a new course? How do you know what is to be helpless, if you never wanted to hug someone and had a computer screen to prevent you from doing it? How do you know what is distance, if you never, looking at a map, said “I am so far away”? How do you know what is a language, if you never had to learn one to make friends? How do you know what is patriotism, if you never shouted “ I love my country” holding a flag in your hands? How do you know what is the true reality, if you never had the chance to see a lot of them to make one. How do you know what is an opportunity, if you never caught one? How do you know what is pride, if you never experienced it for yourself at realizing how much you have accomplished? How do you know what is to seize the day, if you never saw the time running so fast? How do you know what is a friend, if the circumstances never showed you the true ones. How do you know what is a family, if you never had one that supported you unconditionally? How do you know what are borders, if you never crossed yours, to see what there was on the other side? How do you know what is imagination, if you never thought about the moment when you would go back home? 
How do you know the world, if you have never been an exchange student?

Donnerstag, 24. November 2011


Für alle,die es noch nicht mitbekommen haben.(: Seit einer Woche bin ich offizielles Mitglied in einem amerikanischen Sportteam & dann auch noch in Basketball! In Amerika sind die Teams eingeteil in Varsity & JV (Junior Varsity) . Als Exchange Student ist man an meiner Schule nur erlaubt in JV zu spielen,denn in Varsity könnten wir ja einen Stipendiumplatz wegnehmen.Die Regelung finde ich voll korrekt. Auf jeden Fall trainieren wir seit einer Woche jeden Tag (Sonntag ausgenommen) 2 - 2.5 Stunden. Ich liebes es! Das Teamfeeling ist der Wahnsinn.Even when you suck or mess it up they say 'Alright! You're alright!' & es wird abgeklatscht. Sie geben Hilfe,haben Geduld,lachen & fragen mich ständig ob ich ihnen bad words in German sagen kann. ;D Am besten ist's dann natürlich wenn sie dich mitten im Hallway fragen 'Was hieß - I'll kill you- again?' haha.
Letzten Freitag wurden wir aus dem Unterricht rausgerufen und mussten zu unserem Coach's classroom um Basketballschuhe anzuprobieren,da dieses Jahr das erste mal Teamschuhe bestellt werden. Ich Glückspilz.
Jetzt,nach einer Woche JV Training kann ich sagen,dass es noch härter ist,denn wenn wir vorher 20 Mädchen waren & 2 mal laufen mussten,müssen wir jetzt mit 12 Mädchen 4 mal laufen. Generell merkt man schon das ich mich total verbessert habe. Dirk Nowitzki Junior ist am Start!!!
Love it!

Erste spielen stehen an & Trainingsplan Januar sieht noch verrückter aus!


xoxo -ö-  Love Sassy! :D


Unter 'heartattack' versteht man hier auch sowas:

When girls have a crash on a cute guy. Ein Zeichen dafür Das Mädels den Jungen der in diesem Haus wohnt cute finden. Crazy American! <3


Vorletztes Wochenende waren wir in Utah um den Opa von Rachel & co zu besuchen. Es war richtig schön,Utah hat schöne Landschaften & wunderschöne Nationalparks! Unbedingt notwenig waren Winterjacke & Schal,da es wirklich kalt war,es hat geschneit!! ((: <3
Wir waren in Salt Lake City - yey nächste Großstadt. Aber was mir nicht unbedingt bewusst war,das es eine Mormonenhochstadt ist,Utah ja aber Salt Lake war mir nicht so bewusst.Verrückt war,dass ich an diesem einen Tag 6 Bräute gesehen habe,Grund ist der heilige Mormonentempel. Ansonsten haben wir uns das Regierungsgebäude angeguckt & gefroren. :P
Schönes Wochenende!

  xoxo Sassy!

Donnerstag, 10. November 2011


 So das waren jetzt erstmal wieder eine Menge Fotos,I would definitely die without my lovely camera!
Diese Woche hatten wir wieder nur eine 3-Tage-Woche,da Freitag u.a Verteransday ist. And I'm super excitd 'couse we're heading off to Utah,where it is snowing.<3
Listen to this awesome song! Byeeeeee for now!♥

Had a 'dam' good day at Hoover Dam! (:

Letzten Samstag wurden alle Arbor-View Exchange Students auf einen Trip eingeladen.Wir sind zum Hoover Dam gefahren + Führung & Valley of fire.

 Einer der besten Tage. - 1000 Fotos & eine Menge Spaß!

xoxo,Sassy! (:

Halloweeen! we go! Halloween!
Unbelievable how seriously they take it here! But it's so cool.
I went to three Partys. First one: The international club invited all exchange students. We were in our cafeteria and  played some games,ate international food and just had a lot of fun. There was a partner-competition who painted the best pumkin and guess what!? Cathi and me won!!! wuhu. Another one was on Saturday for all Churchmembers. Of course we dressed up and I put all this Glitter in my hair! I loved it but I left a mess behind me,the whole house was full of it and Mikel J (a good friend of our family)couldn't stop making jokes of me.( the entired house looks like a freaking Kesha concert! :D) It was so funny and we went to a haunted house ( diese Gruselhäuser,wo man so durchläuft) SO SCARY!! and I mean I knew all this people who were in it for example Rachel but it was still freaking scary and Viky and me just screamed and ran throught it as fast as possible. haha I could never go to a real haunted house. There is one down the strip and friends had been
So on monday I went to Bettis house and I mean this was actually the 'real' Halloween day and what do you do ??? RIGHT! YOU GO FOR TRICK AND TREAT!! Free Candy :P
´That was so much fun cause is nothing special when you go as a Teenager from house to house,all the kids wore so great customs and I couldn't handle it - I had to take a picture with 'Mario and Luigi' . Aren't they super cute??

I LOVE AMERICAN HALLOWEEN! Germany's one is lame. haha

 what an awesome weekend!
lots of love!


Yey and I saw the Ballagio Watershow!! <3 :D

Vorletztes Wochenende hatten wir 4 Tage keine Schule & natürlich wollten Viky & ich so viel Zeit wie möglich auf dem Strip verbringen! Hauptziel waren dieses mal die M&M Factory, der ich auf jeden Fall nochmal einen Besuch abstatte!!, & die Coca Cola Factory! Richtig genial! 4-stöckig & du kannst alles(!) mit M&M oder eben Coca Cola Design kaufen. Ich habe an dem Abend so viele Bilder gemacht, Hallelujah. We had sooo much fun. Die verschiedenen M&M Sorten waren so lecker! Aber natürlich gibt es die nur dort zu kaufen..
After this we went a little bit shopping to H&M and stuff,where I bought my Halloween dress.<3 and Rachel and me tried these pyjamas on. SO hilarious !!! Who would buy this crap!? Anyway we laught so hard! and for Dinner we went to 'Planet Hollywood' which is like the Hard Rock Cafe but for movies! Beautiful place and back home ging  es ab wie nichts ins Bett! :DD

Susan,my hostmum! ((:
So excited for the High School wintersport season!


Who saw me first gets 1000000 bucks. I bet nobody! :D

loved this place! <3

 Biggest Strip-Fan ever! :DD