Samstag, 28. Januar 2012

my american home(:

yea yea I know..der Post ist schon längst überfällig aber mein Zimmer z.b hatte 4 größtenteils weiße Wände & das musste erstmal geändert werden & in 5 Monaten sammelt sich so einiges an Fotos, Tickets, Poster & stuff an. Die,die mich kennen wissen,das leere Wände ein NO GO sind. Jede Postkarte,die mich erreicht findet einen Platz! (:

my bathroom

family / living room with our giant TV!


big enough that a turkey fits in. haha

So gut wie jeder Kühlschrank hat einen Wasserspender

music room



& here my room,the only one downstairs.(:

Love and Peace out,Sassy.<3

Draw a map, find a path. Take a breath and run.

So wunderbar,dass es extra dafür einen Post gibt! ♥


Freitag, 27. Januar 2012

Cafe Heidelberg mit LAY-dur-hoh-zuhn

 What a german day! 01-22-12! Loved it!

German Fan! :D

Las Vegas Neuschwanstein.(: - Vorlage fürs Disney Schloss.<3

Urban Dictionary definition: Foreign exchange student;
Most awesome person you will ever meet. Exchange students willingly decide to get off their butts, leave their home country, and go see the world. For that reason, they should be given a heck of a lot of credit. Usually, a foreign exchange student will have a funny accent and not speak your language very well. This is all the more reason to hang out with them, because everything will suddenly become that much more hilarious. Also, they are generally young people, and have the tendency to be extremely good looking. In conclusion, mad props to all exchange students out there


Mittwoch, 25. Januar 2012

Deliciousness. Sheep brain & Cow eyes!

Like I told you before..our dissections! :D For me one of those things I could have never done in Germany! ♥
Soon a sheep heart will follow and imagine.. a cat. yea we'll be busy a whole week with a cat dissections.
Eines der Dinge,die ich nie in DTL hätte machen können. Unterrichtsanschaulicher gehts ja gar nicht! LOVE! Bald wird ein Schaafsherz folgen (oh yes!) & dann werden wir eine ganze Woche lange an einer Katze rumschneiden..

Sassy vs. those magic glasses.


No you really dont want to know how awful it smells in there. All the 'leftovers' ended up in the blue ton. So you probably can imagine how tasty a whole bunch of organs smells. :P

cow eye.

Links Augapfel & Rechts unten die Linse.
Sassy darf jetzt auch offiziell Menschenleben retten mit diesen kind of Elekroschockern. Dank erste Hilfe Kurs!

Who loves Anatomy? > THIS CHICK! < 

So und anbei einen kleinen Einblick,how my american Anatomy room lookes like.

xoxo (:

Dienstag, 24. Januar 2012

A skater boy broke my heart, so I broke his fucking board..

Wow what a crazy week,I'm kind of really glad that its over. There is only one thing you wish you had more during those 4 days..SLEEP! Sooo for all the Germans among us,let me tell you how this whole 'FINAL' week works. Über das Schuljahr werden nicht so viele Tests geschreiben (dafür werden ja alle Hausaufgaben bewertet!) & am Ende des Semesters werden dann eine Woche lang Tests geschrieben. Montag MLK Day - frei. Am Dienstag schrieb ich US  History and Photography,Mittwoch waren American Literature and Trigonometry dran & Freitag Anatomy and International Relations. Meine Semesternoten sind ok & dafür das ich kaum gelernt habe dann doch eig. gut. ;D Wow morgen dann schon Quarter 3,ich darf weiterhin gespannt bleiben.Schule ging dadurch,dass wir nur 2 Fächer hatten, immer nur bis 11.40 Uhr. Danach hatte ich meistens wieder Training. Am Mittwoch haben wir uns alle in Coach's room getroffen & da die Varsityspiele immer aufgenommen werden,haben wir uns diese angeguckt & halt besprochen,was gut & schlecht war.Nebenbei wurde uns Pizza spendiert,die wir uns in einem Übungsspiel beim Training den Tag zuvor hart erkämpft haben. The whole team against Coach - who is faster in 3point shots. ;D Jetzt,wo Coach mich länger spielen lässt & ich auch punkte, macht es noch mehr Spaß & man kriegt die Krise,wenn man auf der Bank sitz. Wie gesagt die Woche war crazy & es wurde einem keineswegs leicht gemacht, nicht nur im schulischen

Hier als Bsp wie ein Test abläuft,Finals sind wie ganz normale Test eben nur nicht mit 50-70 Fragen,sondern mit 180-230!

e.g. US History
After the multiple choice part,the test mostly includes 1-3 Essay questions/ (short-answer-questions)

And all the answers have to be marked on this 'Scantron'.
Wer fertig ist,gibt ab & guess what? schläft..

xoxo Sassy.♥

Dienstag, 17. Januar 2012

Write a letter to yourself and open it in 10 years.

January 16th 2011. We got school off today because of Martin Luther King Day.
 Who doesn't know that he was a leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement should better check out his wikipage.

Isn't it paradox that the 'I have a dream'-Day is exactly to the day halftime?
Right now I'm just sitting here..stunned,confused,proud,angry,curious,happy..emotional chaos.
I have this picture in my head standing above the line with one foot stuck on one side,trying to hold on to the past and try to remember everything and the other foot trying to create the future and can't wait for what's coming next. I mean look though my Blog what has happen the last months,I had to learn new rules, a new lifestyle, a foreign language. I have met people that inspired me and people that showed me how important it is to stay in school and educate myself with every opportunity. I have punished myself for taking things for granted and I had to force myself to overcome the fear of dealing with uncertainty. Getting lost is just another term for finding yourself,so whats wrong about it? I laughed a lot the last months and I cried a few times, I lost and I won. Life is so different when you know you are on your own and absoluely nothing can change this 'cause your parents live a couple of thousand miles away. The first weeks no one got my back and now I can say with a truly smile on my face that has changed! I found new friends and actually can talk to them without having much problems. I'm still so excited when we do typical american things even when its just eating hamburgers 'cause everyone is too lazy to cook. I also learned to take chances. There is no 'Oh maybe next time.' - when its time for an adventure than goooo! I have to admit that things keep me busy and I know this is not an excuse for not answering messages in time. But particularly in the last month.. how do you write in german when you start to dislike this language really bad? I still have to improve a lot and its not gonna be easy but I'm looking forward to it 'cause I deeply love english. And to be honest with's the best feeling in the entired world to understand lyrics when you listen to songs only once,understand acters in their native language, start to like the british accent too,read a book and truly get the context. One of my jobs which I really love is to eliminate prejudices. Germans that talk bad about America without having a single clue whats really going on and Americans that think our rolemodel is still Hitler. Americans are not stupid and Germans are not races. Hitler jokes and calling each other Nazis is like an ordinary thing among teenagers here. They learned that we dont think its funny and it equals if we would make jokes about slavery. I dont know if  I changed yet but I'm pretty sure that I'm more grown-up and this fact kind of scares me. What if I come back and people went a completly different direction from what I expected? Sometimes when I skype with my family and friends and they tell me what recently happened, all I can do is just listen 'cause I'm too surprised  to say something. Sometimes it feels like another life is going on over there and all you want to do is to stop and affect it with positive things but you can't. You can be at two places at one time but you can't control them both. Another big deal are people. Since I left I can tell myself who are true friends and who are people I can have faith in. Sentences like ' I'll write you everything and as much as I can' or ' I'll come visit you' became so meaningless 'cause I knew from the very beginning they are not true and obviously I was right. I want to say Thank you to those who are patient and  uncomplaining with me,to those who send me letters and mails,to those who maybe think about me sometimes. I'm thankful for this opportunity that was given to me and I enjoy almost every single second.
Uncertainty. I'm scared of the future.Yes,I really am. But did I know what to expect when I entered the plane!?
No. - I had a dream and look where →I← got myself.(:

Montag, 16. Januar 2012


Another artist, I would like to introduce to you is Richard MacDonald. He has an atelier in downtown and we've been there twice AND I JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH. 'Currently Richard MacD. is working on a commission for the Royal Ballett School in London,where he is creating a memorial to the ballett's founder Dame Ninette de Valois.' Of course I love his ballett sculptures most (: Unfortunately I'll probably never be able to afford one of those haha,especially not my favourite one (lower image on the left).

Einen anderen Künstler,den ich euch vorstellen möchste ist  Richard MacDonald. Er hat hier ein Atelier in Downtown und wir waren schon 2mal da. Ich kann trotzdem einfach nicht genug kriegen. Seit kurzem arbeitet er an einem Auftrag für das Royal Ballett in London,wo er ein Denkmal für den Ballett Gründer Dame Ninette de Valois errichtet. Natürlich mag ich seine Ballett Skulpturen am meisten.(: Leider werde ich wohl nie in der Lage sein mir davon eine leisten zu können haha & schon gar nicht mein Favouriten. ( unteres Bild links).

Check this out!
All pictures via :

xoxo Sassy missing her ballett toe shoes.

Paper and pen. Air in lungs.

Hello guys,so its been a while since I posted the last time. Lets start all the way back at New Years Eve. The Mormon church hosted a New Years Dance for teenagers at the age from 14 to 18 this year. The Dance lasted from 9 til 0.30 and afterwards we had breakfast at one of our church members house. All in one: It was ok but nothing compared to European New Years Eves'. At midnight Rachels tugged me outside 'cause she knew all I wanted was to see fireworks but we could barely see the strip so the fountains were not even close to what pictures have shown me before. Besides this we spent another day at the strip and went to the Bellagio. I uploaded a video of the watershow earlier but this time we went inside. Creative and time-consuming decorations everywhere made out of cake dough and flowers. Another highlight at the Bellagio is the colorful glas ceiling which is all based on the work of Dale Chihuly. His art is just amazing and he has his own gallerie in NewYork where I want to go so bad. (pictures last post) With Dora we went to the Egypt hotel the other day.(: Its is called 'Luxor' and has the shape of a pyramid. The escalators are pretty awesome cause you technically go up slantwise.
I also started to work on one of my new year resolutions : cook more. I made French toast twice for breakfast. yea I know It doesnt need a lot of skills but hey its a beginning! ;D
Winterbreak was really cool even if I got really sick. On January 3rd we had to face school again which was  waaaay to early. On the fourth my Christmas package finally arrived after I spent almost a month waiting for it. Mum sended Rachel a German Pencil case and that was one of the best ideas ever. 'Oh you really use this? And what is this for? And how do you open this?' SO funny.
Anatomy is probably my favourite class here. Besides that I'm just interested in it we have an awesome teacher [super funny and Boys Basketball Varsity Coach ;D ] and we started with our series of disections. YEAH! We already took a sheep brain apart and last week a cow eye followed. The brain almost looked like a piece of chicken and the eye like a blue jumping ball. haha. While the smell of the brain was just discusting ( my hands still smelled like crap the day after) the eye was more difficult to cut through. Both were great expierence and something I could have never done in a normal German High School. I maybe have the pictures around next week.

Hallo Leute,ich weiß es ist schon eine Weile her seitdem es neue Infos gab. Ok starten wir mit Silvester. Die Mormonen Kirche macht jedes Jahr einen New Years Tanz für 14 bis 18jährige. Es ging von um 9 bis ca. 0.30. Danach sind wir zum Frühstückessen zu einer Frau aus der Gemeinde gegangen, ich war allerdings todmüde. Alles in allem:  Es war ok aber nicht vergleichbar mit europäischen Silvesterfeiern. Um Mitternacht hat mich Rachel dann rausgezerrt,weil ich wusste ich wollte unbedingt Feuerwerk sehen. Aber man konnte den Strip nur erahnen & die Lichter waren nicht annähernd so cool wie ich sie vorher auf Bildern gesehen hatte.
 Außerdem verbrachten wir noch einen weiteren Tag auf dem Strip,dieses mal wurde das Bellagio erkundet. Ich habe vor einer Weile ein Video von der Wassershow gezeigt aber dieses mal ging es inside. All the kreativen Dekorationen aus Kuchenteig & Blumen.Ich will gar nicht wissen,wie viel Zeit das in Ansprch genommen hat.Ein weiteres Highlight im Bellagio ist die bunte Glasdecke, nach dem Künstler Dale Chihuly. Seine Kunst ist großartig & ich wünschte ich könnte in seine Gallerie in New York gehen. (Bilder im letzten Post). Mit 'Dora the Explora' ging es dann nach Ägypten. Das Hotel heißt 'Luxor' & ist in Pypramidenform gebaut. Die Rolltreppen sind verrückt dort,da man praktisch irgendwie schräg hochfährt.
Ich habe außerdem angefangen an meinen Vorsätzen fürs neue Jahr zu arbeiten : mehr kochen. 2mal gab es schon French toast zum Frühstück von mir. haha das braucht zwar nicht gerade viel Talent aber es ist ein Beginn. ;D
Winterferien waren also ziemlich cool auch wenn ich besonders über Weihnachten richtig krank war. Am 3. Januar hat bei uns hier dann leider schon wieder die Schule angefangen,viiiiiel zu früh. Aber als ich am 4. von der Schule kam durfte ich dann endlich mein Weihnachtspaket aus Deutschland in Empfang nehmen,auf das ich fast einen Monat warten musste.Mutti hat für Rachel eine deutsche Federtasche geschickt & das war so herrlich. 'Oh ihr benutzt das wirklich in der Schule? Wöfür ist das? Wie öffne ich dies & das?' SO lustig.
Anatomie/Bio ist hier wahrscheinlich mein Lieblingsfach. Abgesehen davon,das ich einfach dran interessiert bin haben wir einen super Lehrer [so funny & Boys Varsity Basketball Coach ;D] haben wir angefangen mit Sektionen. Wir haben schon vor einer Weile ein Schaafsgehirn zerlegt & letzte Woche folgte dann ein Kuhauge. Das Gehirn sah aus wie ein rohes Hühnerfilet & das Auge wie ein blauer Flummie. Während das Gehirn einfach mal nur wiederich gerochen hat,zeigte sich das halbieren des Auges noch schwieriger. Meine Hände haben den nächsten Tag noch gestunken & ich hoffte nur, das mich bloß keiner darauf anspricht! Beides jedoch tolle Erfahrungen & etwas was ich in Deutschland wohl nie erlebt hätte. Bilder folgen dazu im Laufe der nächsten Woche.

New Years Eve.<3

Leider erst ab 21. :x
Ein Weinfahrstuhl

Via google.


xoxo Sassy