Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2012

Day 6 - Out in the ocean..

Am letzten Tag wurden früh die Koffer gepackt, RIESEN Waffeln zum Frühstück mit frischen Erdbeeren und ab tooo theeee ooocean!! Ich war zwar schon oft am Meer aber noch nie wirklich nahe einem Weltmeer. THE PACIFIC(: Es war zwar eine kühle Briese & das Wasser war,um es höflich auszudrücken,sehr sehr unangenehm kalt aber trotzdem schön! Die Strandpromenade war unglaublich,wie bei OC California,Skater,Beachcruiser,.. everywhere!+ surfer..wonderful. Leider ging es dann auch schon auf unsere 5-stündige Heimfahrt.

So, now I guess Its time to thank a couple of people for the best spring break I could have asked for! First of all my parents for the permission and in addition my grandpa and uncle for money support,I really appreciate that! You anebled me a wonderful time and I mean now I can say I've been to HOLLYWOOD. whoop whoop.I had soo much fun and took thousands of pictures that will remind me of that. Thanks to my host fam for let me be a wild teenager for a week! And last but not least thanks to my best friends here in America,Cathi and Alex. I'm glad I started this week with Cathi and we had a great time and than spending a whole week with Alex was awesome, It feels like I know them forever. Thanks guys for making this year complete!! I love you!! Sassy.

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